Just another adventure cycling enthusiast. Want to make friend with nature.

The Planning

I love Project Management and adventure cycling is a perfect life example of project management application. Of course you don’t need Primavera, Artemis or even a mere Microsoft Project but I found you do need a lot of planning to start an adventure cycling.

As in any other project, planning is good but overplanning will kill the project.

Many peoples have plan and failed, but more people fail to plan.

I think, to start adventure cycling one should develop understanding on

1. What is cycling all about, different (and very diverse) intention and purpose of cycling, different type of bicycles for each intention and purpose of cycling

2. How to select or built adventure bicycle (sometime also called Touring Bicycles or Trekking Bicycles)

3. Understand different style or scheme of adventure planning: day trip or long haul touring, shoestring touring, credit card touring, tropical touring, winter touring, mount climbing touring and many others.

3. Trip planning. And tha’s not only route planning but also include cost planning, accomodation planning, communication planning, accident and disaster preparedness planning, among others.

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